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Astrology of April: Healing, Persevering, Trusting

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Spring is here, but the soil is still frozen...

The month of April invites us to continue to trust the process so that we truly learn to lean into our divine guidance in the midst of these changing times. We may feel a desire to go full steam ahead, but this desire can meet a lot of frustration up ahead since the cosmic energy is not supporting rushed actions.

In fact, we are being asked to act mindfully, and to focus on healing so that our connection to the divine is renewed, and also, so that our relationship to our true, raw nature is restored.

New Moon in Aries

The New Moon in Aries is Friday 1st of April at 0:24 am (MT), and it's a kind of an unusual Aries new moon. We would imagine this fiery and spring-like new moon to be full of action, speed and drive, but that is not the case entirely. We are invited to take it one step at a time.

Chiron: Healing our Identity

One of the reasons why this is a special new moon in Aries is that it is conjunct Chiron, the “Wounded Healer”. During this month, and also between now and the Full Moon in Aries on October 9th, we will come into a new phase in our journey of healing our identity wound, particularly for those born between 1968 - 1977 who have Chiron in Aries in their natal charts.

This can involve a re experiencing of the original wound, maybe in a lesser degree this time around, but just enough so that we can recognize it.

We are undergoing a deep healing of our essential self, our most real and raw nature and impulses.

Chiron entered Aries in 2018 and will stay there until 2027. We can already see collectively the themes of basic identity (race, color, nationality, gender, and the psychological effects of face covering) that are coming up. Children growing up during these times are absorbing into their psychology these types of narratives, that present us with questions and insecurities centered strongly around our appearance, perhaps resulting in feeling unsure of whether it is ok to be who we naturally are and want what we spontaneusly want.

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces: Spiritual Renewal

Another potent explanation for how slow and inward this month feels is that Jupiter and Neptune meet exactly on the 12th of April, which is a big astrological event of 2022.

This conjunction happens every 12-13 years, but it has not happened, and will not happen again, in Pisces - in our lifetimes. This is important because both planets rule the sign of Pisces: Jupiter symbolizes the joy of finding spiritual connection in the whole experience of life itself, while Neptune represents our ability to access the invisible spiritual realm.

We are being invited to let go of ideas of “spirituality” that may not truly belong to us and our authentic experience, and to claim our right to live our spirituality fully in a way that is true to us.

Aries energy in this mix speaks of there being a unique path for each one of us. This releasing and connective opportunity brought by Jupiter and Neptune comes in handy to aid us in the cleansing of our Chiron wounds, by offering an opportunity for us to test our direct channel to connect with Spirit's guidance. Likewise, the process of healing of our identity wounds helps us in having the assertive courage of claiming our truest and certainly unique spirituality.

Mars and Saturn: challenges to new structures

Another important aspect of this month is that Mars and Saturn are coming together (they conjunct on April 4th) while being in tension with the Nodes of the Moon (the eclipse points - our path of growth).

This indicates a need to consciously create and update our new structures, and to act slowly and patiently, while building up the courage to honor our authentic desires and needs.

We have been restructuring a certain area of our lives, indicated by the area where we have Aquarius in our charts (that is where Saturn currently is).

Can you identify it? Where have you been asked since 2020 to “grow up”, “level up” or “get your s*** together”?

“Doing the work”, whatever that means for you, will be of great help for you to spring from chaos and crisis towards peaceful abundance. Keep in mind that Saturn will be squaring the Nodes until November, so we are being asked resilience and patience all throughout 2022. This will only strengthen our new systems in place, which will allow us to maintain and strengthen our authenticity.

Venus enters Pisces: Mermaid time

On April 5th Venus enters Pisces, which will definitely feel like summer for the "Goddess of Love", after a long time under stress.

Venus represents creativity, relationships, love, and finances, and she is “exalted” in this water sign. Venus is said to have been born from the foam of the Ocean (where Uranus’ testicles fell after Saturn cut them off).

After spending 4 months between the dry and cold signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, encountering Pluto 3 times, while going retrograde, and sharing room with the harsh and ardent Mars and the cold and strict Saturn, she finally is set free like a divine Love Mermaid in the moisturizing and lubricating ocean of Pisces.

She can finally flow in her soft and gentle nature. Expect creativity, relationships and money to receive some lubricant by divine grace... although you will only access these juices if you are open and receptive to it. Sounds very divinely feminine to me.

This is a great month for sacred sexuality, creative flow, and benefitting from sacred natural medicines and practices. Venus will stay in Pisces until May 2nd, so let's make the most out of it!

Mercury in Taurus

On April 10th Mercury enters the sign of Taurus, which signals a shift in our mental focus towards the themes that will be most relevant during the eclipses of this year.

Eclipse season is fully activated on April 30th, with a Solar Eclipse (new moon) in Taurus, the first of 2022.

The eclipses of 2022 are about going through the growing pains of becoming gracefully abundant and finding a confident sense of worthiness. In order to get there, we need to cleanse the incompatible fears and beliefs.

Mercury will begin illuminating these conversations while in the earthy and sensual Taurus. It also will drive our mental energy into a more practical mode, and get us focused on basic wellbeing and safety needs and how we are meeting those needs.

Mars in Pisces

On April 14th, Mars enters the sign of Pisces, amping up the Piscean energy. Read more about Pisces in my previous blog post here.

Mars represents our masculine, decisive, and action oriented function which is fueled by desire. In Pisces there can be a sluggishness and an aimlessness to our drive and physical energy, as well as a desire to rest more than act. Our inner decision maker can become blurry and confused. Be mindful of this while making decisions in the second half of the month, and consult your closest Virgo friend before you set things in stone.

Towards Eclipse Season

On April 16th, we have the Full Moon of this cycle, which is in the sign of Libra. This illuminates the “other side”, so we may become more aware of what our partners want from us, so that we can both get our needs met, and thus strengthen our partnerships. This full moon is ruled by Venus, who swims graciously in Pisces, and is also the ruler of the upcoming eclipse in Taurus.

On April 19th the Sun moves into Taurus, fully highlighting the themes of food, security, money and all kinds of basic sustenance and connection to our material reality, as we prepare for the New Moon on April 30th which will be a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus.

This eclipse opens up the first eclipse season of 2022 and can represent a whole new chapter beginning to develop over the next year and a half. Something in the way we approach money and security is coming to both an end and a beginning.

Mercury in Gemini and Pluto retrograde

On April 29th Mercury leaves Taurus and goes into Gemini, which is its home sign. Mercury in Gemini is fast paced, curious and playful. It is hungry and eager to learn.

The same day, Pluto goes retrograde, the first planet to go retrograde after 2 months of no retrogrades at all! Pluto works on the deep layers of our reality, and has been transforming the very skeleton of society since 2008. This process is wrapping up, Pluto will begin entering Aquarius next year. We can imagine the "Lord of the Underworld" going through a checklist of all he was supposed tu purge from "the system". Pluto retrograde through the very end of Capricorn makes sure there is no stone unturned.

In summary

This month, remember to:

  • Trust your divine guidance and your spiritual connection,

  • Gently dare to express your essential nature and desires

  • Stay committed to your progress

  • Enjoy the flowing juices of feminine creative sensuality

Happy New Moon in Aries!


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